Zahraniční literatura > Management, personalistika a marketing

Management, personalistika a marketing

Topics in Lean Supply Chain Management

Topics in Lean Supply Chain Management

World Scientific Press, 1. vydání, 2010

This uniquely designed textbook is structured to support educators in teaching the lean supply chain principles, concepts, and ideas used by industry and researched by scholars. It examines a wide range of current topical subjects in a structured format to help educators impart the value of combining lean management with supply chain management. It focuses on many of the newest and most exciting areas of change in lean and supply chain management. In addition to basic content on the principles of lean and supply chain management, this book converts recent journal research into an easy-to-understand textbook material. While this textbook is suitable as a topical course for operations or supply chain management undergraduate students, it is self-contained and also suitable for graduate students who have had no prerequisite knowledge in operations or production management.

kat. č.: 203444
ISBN-13: 978-981-281-855-3
EAN: 9789812818553
jazyk: anglický
stran: 344
vazba: vázaná
rozměry: 170x253 mm
barva: černobíle
Cena: 2 047,- Kč
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